Archive for June, 2009

Guest Blog: Is It Any Wonder? [NeedaHobby]

June 30, 2009

First and foremost, I would like to thank Ed for this opportunity to be a guest blogger. I’m thankful for making new friends through this blog, even though we have never met IRL. Thanks Ed for creating that environment!

So anyways, I think I might’ve mentioned before that I am a huge music lover. I have a collection of close to a 1000 CD’s (it’s hard to get an exact number because hubby and I merged collections after we got married – we had lots of duplicates to sell!). I know, I know, in this day and age, you would think that I would just download the songs. But, I guess I’m old-skool in that I would rather buy the CD and rip the songs into MP3’s. There’s just something I like about having the “hard copy” with CD artwork and liner notes.

There are certain artists (U2, Madonna, REM come to mind) that are able to crank out hit after hit, album after album with tons of success. But, what about those artists who (sadly) hit their prime after only one song? The 1980’s seem to have had a lot of one-hit wonders. I’m not sure if they necessarily had a lot more than other decades, or that I just remember them because they were songs I grew up with.

I think most will remember “Take on Me” by A-ha.

What about “Too Shy” by Kajagoogoo?

Or, “Safety Dance” by Men Without Hats?

And, Soft Cell’s, “Tainted Love”?

Got any one-hit wonders to add? If you have a website link, or a story related to that song, please share that too. And, to help Ed’s post count, let’s try posting one song per post. !O7VHVW

BJ Penn Answers Your Questions! [Video]

June 29, 2009

As promised, I took the questions you posted on my “Ask a BJ (Penn)” blog with me to Hilo and had BJ answer them for y’all. I’ve finally had the chance to encode it, uploaded it (to YouTube), annotate it, and publish the puppy for you folks so hurr it is. Enjoy!

BJ Penn answers questions from the World Wide Ed Community

[kuya.d]: Try asking BJ how helpful Gary Ohashi has been in his training and recovery?

[B.J. Penn] Ohhh, Gary Ohashi. Gary Ohashi has been very good for me. I see him once or twice a week. Just adjusts me, put everything in the right areas, so my body’s not aching and everything. Thank you Gary. Thanks for helping me out.

[Coconut Willy]: Originally being from Hilo, the feeling is super laid back. I know when I go to visit, I get really lazy. Ask BJ how he keeps up his intensity and motivation.

[B.J. Penn] I get really lazy too actually Coconut Willy. (*laughs*) And it’s pretty tough. Nah, you know, when you got something on your head, or you’re focused or you wanna do something, you going get out there. Plus too, you don’t want to let down all the fans, so that’s motivation. Cause you want the fans to say, you know you want the fans to go out there and after you win, you want them to tell their friends, “You see! I told you so! When I talk you listen! You listen to me when I speak to you!” (*laughs*)

[skycastles]: Boxers or briefs?

[B.J. Penn] Boxers, boxers. Boxers or nothing under surf shorts. Surf shorts: nothing. Everything else, boxers.

[skycastles]: What advice would he give to kids coming up who want to get into MMA?

[B.J. Penn] To the kids, I would just say, you know, just go and have fun. If you like to box, go box. If you like wrestling, go wrestle in school. If you like jiu jitsu, go do it and then just keep just doing the one that you think is fun and get as far as that one first. Whether it’s wrestling, boxing or kickboxing or jiu jitsu or judo or whatever it is, and then after you’re kinda done competing in that, maybe start adding all the other ones in.

[bB]: does he have any aspirations of being a promoter after he retires? maybe something on the lines of a oscar de la hoya.

[B.J. Penn] Maybe I’d want to get involved with the promoter business. But we’ll see how things unfold, and, you know, if the UFC is the only company in the future or… We’ll see, but for sure I could see myself putting on little fights around Hawaii, around the islands, the different islands, just for the locals.

[frankie]: I’d like to know if he’d like to face GSP again (sans the greasing).

[B.J. Penn] Yup, yup. For sure we want to fight GSP again and we want our opportunity for a rematch.

[uncle jimmy]: since his grandma was the original “little lei lady of waikiki” and wound up owning some chunks of waikiki in the process, and his Mom is a serious entrepreneurial player of note on her own.. does he have a similar entrepreneurial gene and how does it reveal itself?

[B.J. Penn] I don’t think my grandma ended up owning any chunks of Waikiki. In fact, I don’t think there’s many Hawaiians who own a bunch of hotels down (in) Waikiki. (*laughs*)

I would love to keep pushing and training people and I guess, yeah, just push the web site, push the shop on the web site, and see where we can take it and maybe even get into the promoting stuff.

[Center Of Thought]: What does his diet consist of? What does he eat when training?

[B.J. Penn] OK, my diet, if I’m not training, I’ll eat anything, and then if I’m training, I pretty much cut out like breads and pastas. I just eat like the most natural carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, like brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, you know, poi, like just kinda more natural stuff. And then if I want a cheat meal, then maybe I’ll eat a sandwich or something you know, but I try to just cut all that stuff out. And then lean meat and lots of fruits and vegetables.

[Center Of Thought]: What kine music does tha champ listen to?

[B.J. Penn] Listen to… Growing up I listen to everything, but nowadays I listen to more just local music, Hawaiian music, kinda keeps me relaxed. Not gonna go burn rubber down the road and get in trouble. (*laughs*)

[miLL-viLLe]: I want to know how many more fights BJ has left in him.

[B.J. Penn] Every time somebody asks me how many more fights I have left in me, I can’t really answer that question cause we always just gotta see how my next fight goes. I’m sure after I beat Kenny Florian, I’ll be happy and I’ll say we got 50 fights left, you know what I mean, so we just gotta take it fight by fight.

[mcat]: i’m curious what he does when he’s not training… any other hobbies?

[B.J. Penn] I’m just hanging out. Maybe go surfing a little bit, maybe, you know, just go swimming, have fun, watch TV, work on, that’s all I do. (*laughs*)

Thank you!

There ya have it! Hope you enjoyed it! Don’t forget to read my full interview with BJ below!

BJ Penn On Family, Fighting Florian, and the Future
BJ Penn On Family, Fighting Florian, and the Future

Fave Five Friday: Reality Show Couples

June 26, 2009

So it was recently reported that Jon and Kate Gosselin have filed for divorce. Gee, who saw that one coming?

Along those lines, we’ll go with that theme for this week’s Fave Five blog: Fave Five Reality Show Couples. I needs ta be honest though. I’m more excited to fill out the least fave list. Let’s see what we come up with shall we?

Fave Five Reality Show Couples:

  1. Flavor Flav + Anyone– you gotsta love his passion and honesty for trying to find true love on “Flavor of Love.” And, although he’s admirably decided to stay with his baby’s mama following the 3rd and last season, a part of me still wants him to keep going. Can’t get enough of that guy man! LOL!
  2. Travis Barker + Shanna Moakler – although they’ve had a lot of drama following them in the news, I was a fan of their show “Meet the Barkers” back in the day.
  3. Nick Lachey + Jessica Simpson – how can you not like both of them? They seemed to be nice peoples, at least individually… Maybe their life timing was just not right? I secretly wouldn’t mind seeing them get back together and film another season of “Newlyweds”. 8)
  4. New York + Tailor Made – I don’t really like Tailor Made, but he and New York (Tiffany Pollard) were like the most unlikely of couples, so “I Love New York” was just fun to watch. Like a train wreck I couldn’t look away from. 😛
  5. Jeff Conaway + Vikki Lizzi – one word: dysfunctional. Not sure why I wasted hours of my life watching “Celebrity Rehab” but they were also fun/ridiculous to watch.

Bottom Five Reality Show Couples:

  1. Spencer Pratt + Heidi Montag – these two are number 1 on the hated list and won’t ever get overtaken. Why does anyone even care what they’re up to? I have no clue. Gotta hand it to Spencer for his decent marketing skills though.
  2. Jon Gosselin + Kate Gosselin – again… who cares!?
  3. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline – ditto
  4. Christopher Knight + Adrianne Curry – again…
  5. Audrina and Justin-Bobby – need I say more?

If making your list proves too challenging, feel free to just dish/vent about any of the above (or others you love/despise).

Happy VHO7V Friday y’all! Have a good weekend! I’m off to Alaska (Bon Voyage!), but be sure to check in for some exciting blogs ahead:

* Monday, June 29“BJ Penn Answers Your Questions! [Video]”– Remember the questions you guys submitted for BJ Penn last month? I caught Bruddah BJ on tape answering those questions! This one will be promo’d on the front page of the physical paper as well. Support the ’tiser and pick up a copy k?
* Tuesday, June 30– Sistah NeedaHobby holds it down with a blog of her own called “Is It Any Wonder?”, featuring convo and video clips of those one hit wonders we love from yesteryear.
* Wednesday, July 1 – A special edition of “Where In Hawaii Is Edward Sugimoto” is all queued up for y’all! 8)
* Thursday, July 2tita leerz represents with her amusing blog: “Family Reunions: Characters Wanted”
* Friday, July 3 – takin’ a break since it’ll be a holiday for most of us anyway. Happy 4th of July!
* Monday, July 6– props to sistah skycastles (who was originally scheduled for the 29th) for closing out the guest blogging week with a bang with her “Name That Tune Summer Redux” blog.

Support your fellow WWE community peeps and comment away a-ight? Have a good one y’all! See you next month! 🙂

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

June 25, 2009

It has been reported by numerous news sources that the King of Pop has died of cardiac arrest…


Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Fashion

June 25, 2009

Hey! It’s Thursday! And you know what that means!? Nothing really… but it’s a good excuse to make up yet another game to add to our partay ova hea… Somebody stop me! 8)

It’s called “Things That Make You Go Hmm…” and it’s an homage to the song that the great 90s group C&C Music Factory put out by the same name. Put dem tissues away, it’s time to get back to bidness!

The WWE version of “Things That Make You Go Hmm…” this week is all about fah-shone. Here’s your opportunity to dish anything fashion that makes you scratch your noggin’. Can be stuffs from the old school or nu skool. No mattah. Just as long as she makes you go hmmm… Ready? Hurr we go!

One thing that always made me go hmmm can best be described by the phrase “He wears short shorts.” Is it just me or do men’s shorts get shorter with age? Don’t wanna mention any names, but I’ve been noticing that the older peeps here at work (after working out) wear some of the shortest daisy dukes you’ve ever done seen. My guess is that it’s a combination of just plain having short shorts, and hiking up their pants Steve Urkel style (which is another interesting trait of old peeps, FYI).

Compare this with the youngans these days with their baggy, Hammer-like pants that fall halfway down their butt to show off either A) their boxers or B) their plumber’s crack (Say no to crack!) to the rest of the free world…

I’d like to think that I’m in the “cool” age group that knows what length shorts are supposed to be, though some of the shorts I’ve purchased years ago, are starting to feel a bit too long. Eek! Am I going to be in the “He wears short shorts” category before I know it? Let’s hope not!

So that’s my “TTMYGH”, yo. What are the fashion styles that make YOU go hmmm…?

Where In Hawaii is Edward Sugimoto? – June 24, 2009

June 24, 2009

Coconut Willy got a record 6th win last week after guessing Queen Lili`uokalani Gardens in Hilo, Hawaii. Unbelievable C Dubbs! Congrats!

This week will be harder fo sho! It could very well be any Chinese restaurant in the world state. Props in advance to those who name every single Chinese Restaurant they can think of… one guess per post of course! 😛

Hurr we goooo!

Where In Hawaii is Edward Sugimoto? - June 24, 2009
Where In Hawaii is Edward Sugimoto? – June 24, 2009

Hint: A Chinese Restaurant somewhere in Hawaii! 8)

Da “Where In Hawaii” Winnahz Circle!

Happy Hump Day Where In Hawaii Wednesday y’all. 🙂 Shooooots!

Traffic Safety – Rules of the Road?

June 23, 2009

So the niece – armed with her relatively new permit – has been practicing her drivin’ around town. The process for getting a license is (thankfully) much harder these days so she has to do this practicin’ action for a few more months.

I’ve been driving, what, for *cough* years, so I’d like to think that I’ve got a pretty good grasp on some “good-to-know” tips for the newbie driver. Wanted to send a feeler out to all y’all as well and maybe, with enough feedback, I could send this on over to the niece to help edumacate her before she hits the open road.

What a thoughtful uncle right? 😛

K, so here’s mine. Add yours below won’tcha?

* When turning right at an intersection, pay particular attention to the car in front of you first. Make sure he/she is gone before proceeding.

– I know, I know… speeding, using your blinkers, and the more logical safety tips would’ve been more handy, but in my experience, this seems to be a very common mistake that we tend to overlook. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen or heard about cars rear-ending the car in front, thinking they’ve cleared the way before punchin’ it. I would say worry about that car in front before even looking to the left for oncoming cars to merge into.

So wot peeps? What other “must-knows” can we arm the niece (and our other young drivers out there) with? Holla!

Heart Attacks and Drinking Warm Water

June 22, 2009

I know it’s supposed to be “Fun Day Monday” today, but I got this forwarded email recently and thought that it would be a good idea to share it with my peeps… YOU! 🙂 It’s verrrry edumacational and interesting so check um out go check um out goooo…

Heart Attacks and Drinking Warm Water

This is a very good article. Not only about warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attacks.

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit.

Heart Attacks and Drinking Warm Water

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It’s nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.
However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack
A serious note about heart attacks – You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jawline. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.

Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we can survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life.  Be a true friend and send this article  to all your friends you care about.


Awwww. Happy (and SAFE!) Monday y’all! Have a great week and since I care about each and errry last one of you, drink some tea a-ight!? 😉

AAJA-Hawaii 2009 Media Basketball League – Week 1 Results

June 21, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009 Results:
HMSA 54 – KGMB 29
MidWeek 45 – ESPN 33

Leading scorers:
HMSA: Jon Lee 13, Cliff Lau 12. ESPN: Micah Komine 16.

HMSA            1-0
MidWeek         1-0
Advertiser      0-0
KHNL            0-0
KHON            0-0
Oceanic         0-0
Star-Bulletin   0-0
ESPN1420        0-1
KGMB            0-1

Fave Five Friday: Talk Shows

June 19, 2009

Now that my man CoCo (Conan O’Brien) has successfully gone a good couple weeks as Jay Leno’s successor on the Tonight Show (as expected), there’s no bettah time than now to do this Fave Five Friday Survey: Favorite Talk Shows no?

Hurr’s mine. What’s yours?

  1. The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien – it has always been one of my dreams/goals to go to New York and watch Conan’s Late Night show live (and catch a Yankees/Mets game). Now that he’s in L.A., it’s that much easier to check it out. Hurr I come CoCo! LOL!
  2. Jimmy Kimmel Live – hilarious guy with good/different/interesting guests.
  3. The Ellen DeGeneres Show – funny host with good/interesting guests.
  4. The Arsenio Hall Show – Yeah, I know it’s no longer on the air, but DAYEM, this show was the bomb back in the day! 8)
  5. Da Ali G Show – Yeah, not a real talk show, and not really on the air anymore either, but this was a CLASSIC show waaaay before Borat went mainstream!

Honorable mentions go to Late Show with David Letterman, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Chelsea Lately, The Colbert Report, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, The Andy Bumatai Show, and The Best Damn Sports Show Period. What you got?

Happy VHO7V Friday y’all! Have a good weekend and I’ll see y’all on Monday! 🙂