Posts Tagged ‘favorite albums’

Fave Five Friday – Peeps (Desert Island edition)

February 27, 2009

A-ight gang, unless you can think of anything else, I think we’ve exhausted all our options for da Desert Island. We’ve brought along enough DVDs, CDs, Books, and Valued Possessions to cover half the island. And, thankfully, we’re stranded with each other, so, in case we’re short on any one item, we’ve got each other’s back. Teamwork baby!

Next week (starting this Sunday actually), I’m thinking of starting a new “_____ Friday” game. Oh, it’s gonna be a doozy. Be sure to pick up this Sunday’s Advertiser, get scared by my picture on the left hand column, and then log into this hurr blog to find out what it is yo!

Until then, let’s get back to Desert Island for one final hurrah. “Peeps” is the topic of choice this week and the limit is 5. Peeps, meaning people… dead or alive, famous or not. Remember, these are people you’d want to spend the last 100 75 50 years of your life (some of us are old) on a desolate island in the middle of nowhere. OKGO!

  1. Wifey – [insert obligatory “awwwwww” here] Honestly, if I nevah put this, you guys (and she) would’ve scolded me! But seriously, the island won’t be the same without her. Awwwww. 🙂
  2. MacGyver – Oh yeah! I’m a genius (again!)! We’d be off the island in like half an hour after he fashions a boat for us from leaves and rubble.
  3. BJ Penn – bruddah can teach me all of his sick moves every day, all day. Plus, he would kick anybody’s gluteus maximus who tries to step to us… unless he/she/it was covered in Vaseline! 8)
  4. All you WWE readers – [insert another awwwwww here]. 😛
  5. That genie from last week – If any of the above fail me, I’ll have three more wishes to choose from, though I’d only need one: get off the !$%^ island! 🙂

Talk to me!
* Who you goin’ bring?
* If you have any suggestions for future Desert Island items/topics, post um below!
* Got a guess to what the new “_____ Friday” is gonna be? Holla!
* You goin’ support the papah and pick up this Sunday’s edition? Bonus: get me! 😛

Have a happy Aloha Friday (and weekend) y’all! Shoots!

Fave Five Friday – Must Have Possessions (Desert Island edition)

February 20, 2009

Y’all already shared your list of DVDs, CDs and Books. But let’s just say that that there are no TVs, DVD players, CD players and books allowed on this island. You know, hypothetically. 😉 Having said that, what prized possessions would you want with you in this time of need? Remember, these are your top 5 must-haves!

Here’s mine… No bite k?

  1. Cell phone (with unlimited battery power) – Awwww yeah! I’m a genius! My stay on desert island won’t even be that long with 911 at my disposal from my trusty cell. And, if my stay does last a bit, at least I’ll have access to my email, the web, and some games l’dat.
  2. Unlimited supply of water – if Man vs. Wild has taught me anything, it’s that I need water. Forget that drinking your own pee “bidness”… yuck! It’s high quality H20 for me!
  3. ATV/Dune buggy (with unlimited gas) – can be both practical (traveling around the island, fetching food, etc.) and used for fun (jumping off hills, etc.).
  4. Gun (with unlimited ammo) – I’ll be the head cheese with this puppy. Go ahead, make my day.
  5. Genie bottle – In case any of the above fail me, I’ll have three more wishes to choose from. *grin*

Have a happy Aloha Friday (and weekend) y’all! Shoots!

Fave Five Friday – Must Have Books (Desert Island edition)

February 6, 2009

Well… We’ve already shared our lists for must have DVDs and CDs on the Desert Island. Logic tells us that the next list should be books right? Well my little Einsteins, you are absolutely correct-a-mundo!

This may catch you as a shocker, but I’m not much of a book worm. I think I have the attention span of a 4 year old. LOL! So my list will consist of magazines. The benefit with this (no bite! 😛 ) is that the subscriptions for them will include delivery; so errry month, a new magazine will magically show up on my porch on Desert Island. Lord knows how they know my address or why they can’t rescue us if they know where we are, but don’t ruin the moment for us a-ight? 8)

  1. Slam Magazine subscription – haven’t read it in a while, but back in the day, it was one of those must-reads for me as I could totally relate (culture, language, etc.).
  2. Sports Illustrated Magazine subscription – this is an ingenious pick (if I do say so myself) as it comes weekly instead of monthly, so I’ll always have something fresh and new to read. Plus, I can sell off the annual swimsuit edition (for shells *grin*) to the most desperate guy.
  3. Maxim Magazine subscription – for um… the articles. 😉 Also sellable for valuable shells. I’ll be rich!
  4. Men’s Health Magazine subscription – they’ve got it all in here. Health, diet, style, gadgets, etc.
  5. Honolulu Advertiser subscription – Awwww yeah! Gotsta represent the HonAdv yo! Plus, I gotta keep up with what’s going on on the “other” islands.

Honorable mentions go to People/Us/Entertainment Weekly (any of those that will keep me up to speed with pop culture), Time (ditto for world news/culture), MMA/Jiu Jitsu related magazines/articles (we gots lots of time on the island… might as well earn my black belt while we’re there 😛 ).

Post your must-have books (or magazines) below yo!

Have a happy Aloha Friday (and weekend) y’all! Shoots!

P.S. Oh yeah, no forget fo read my “UFC 94 Weekend In Vegas” article! 🙂

UFC 94 Weekend In Vegas
UFC 94 Weekend In Vegas

Fave Five Friday – Must Have CDs (Desert Island edition)

January 23, 2009

OK, so last week’s (Desert Island) DVD list seemed to be a pretty decent hit. We even got some lurkers to come out of shadows and post up in hurr. Woo hoo! Hopefully, this post will bring out more. C’mon y’all, don’t be scurred! 🙂 This week, let’s go with the next logical list: CDs! Awwwww yeah!

So I don’t need to explain the rules right? Let’s get on with the show! Stuck? Get some help here or here.

  1. Dr. Dre – “The Chronic – Dre and Snoop Dogg at their best! Who wants to battle me in “Nuthin’ But A G Thang?” 😛
  2. Shai – “…If I Ever Fall In Love” – Another classic! Used to listen to it going to bed errry night back in the day.
  3. Color Me Badd – “C.M.B. – My very first CD purchase (transitioning from cassette tapes)! This one got some miles one it!
  4. Anything Rockapella – These bruthas are insane! You might recognize them from their “Where In the World is Carmen Sandiego” song. Their vocal percussionist Jeff Thatcher is amazing (see video below). My dream is to one day see them in person.
  5. Anything Ka`au Crater Boys – Gotta bring the Hawaiian jams right? And who better than the starters of the ukulele craze (to the mainstream). Hopefully, I can bring my uke to the island too. 🙂

Honorable mentions go to Boyz II Men – “Cooleyhighharmony“, Dixie Chicks – “Wide Open Spaces” and/or “Fly“, R Kelly and Public Announcement – “Born Into the 90’s“, Brotherhood Creed – “BHC“, or Rick Astley – “Whenever You Need Somebody” (oh yeah! I went there!)!

Post yours below so I can see which classics I missed!

Have a happy Aloha Friday (and weekend) y’all! Shoots!