Posts Tagged ‘Corona’

Fave Five Friday – Drinks

April 24, 2009

Buy me drinky drinky?

I could’ve sworn we covered this topic already in a previous Fave Five list, but looking back at the archives, I don’t see it, so hurr we goooo!

Personally, I’m-a-gonna have to make separate lists ’cause my favorite drinks differ based on when and where I yam. OK, let’s do this!

At the crib:

  1. Water – We filter ours using one of dem Brita water pitchers from Costco. Now that’s what I call high quality H2O. 😉
  2. Apple Juice – Those 1 gallon, two-packs, again purchased from Costco. YUM!
  3. Vitamin Water – We used to tank these often, but it got expensive real quick. Speaking of which, aren’t their new commercials just hilarious! They even have a fake microsite! Classic!
  4. Calpico – Pops won a whole case in a golf tourney so wifey and I took a bunch home with us. The Aloe flavored one is not as bad as it sounds and is actually pretty good, FYI.
  5. Primo – She go with poke right after work!

In the Club:

  1. (Almost) Anything on draught – Can’t go wrong with the stuffs straight from the tap
  2. Heiney – I used to like it better when I was the only one in the club green bottling. Now, errone is doing it which kinda sucks. 😦 Gotta switch it up now. Good thing I hardly go clubbing anymore. Ha!
  3. Orange Juice – when I don’t feel like boozing it up, I go O.J. Figgah it’s cheap and somewhat healthy (good way to get my Vitamin C).
  4. Jack and Coke – anything with Coke is a go.
  5. Bud Light – tastes like water, but when there’s nothing else… Can’t forget to send a shout out to Corona for nostalgia’s sake. Makes me remember back to a time when drinking it with the lime wedge at the old Oceans on Thursday nights was cool. LOL!

Dining Out:

  1. Water (with a straw) 😛 – sometimes the taps/pitchers/cups at the joints I go to are questionable.
  2. Coke (with a straw) 8) – I usually get this when I go to the places above. Figgah, they can’t contaminate the Coke dispenser too can they? Hehe! Coke goes well with burger and fry kine places no?
  3. Asahi – any time I go to a Japanese restaurant, this is a guaranz ballbaranz! Just goes with the food. Oh, and green tea too.
  4. Authentic-tasting Nippon Green Tea – see above
  5. When in Rome… – I like to change the brand of beer I drink, depending on where I am. Tsingtao at Chinese restaurants, Corona at Mexican restaurants, Singha at Thai restaurants, Moretti at Italian restaurants, etc.


  1. Pocari Sweat – drink of choice when walking/running around the muthaland.
  2. Anything Hawaiian Sun – pretty much everything in their lineup is onos.
  3. Ito En Natural Fruit Teas – Mmmm, but kinda expensive at Stan Sheriff! 😦

So what say you? Post your list(s) below a-ight? Happy VHO7V Friday folks! Be safe and have a nice, fun weekend k? Shoots!

P.S. Any kiddies out dea reading… remember… no drink until you stay of age k? 8)
P.P.S. Any social drinkers out dea reading… remember… drink responsibly… no drink and drive k?