Posts Tagged ‘Megs Drive In’

Green River… Wea You Stay?

April 19, 2012

Yesterday, the brother-in-law told me he’s on a mission to find restaurants that still serve Green River so that he can reminisce back to the days when he used to drink it at Jolly Roger… I told him that I knew that Meg’s Drive In had it and I think Sekiya’s might still have it, but didn’t know of any place else. So I posted the question out to Facebook and Twitter and collected a few more locales, but I wanted to throw it out to my homeys on WWE as well to see if you guys had any suggestions as to where else he can go to stir up some nostalgia.

So wot? Where can the BIL get his Green River fix?

Green River drink from Megs Drive In (Photo Courtesy:
Green River drink from Megs Drive In (Photo Courtesy:


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Weekly VH07V T-Shirt Update!

Made a run to Fischer after work yesterday and picked up most of my supplies for my VH07V booth at the 2012 Hawaii Ocean Expo. Got rope, plexi frames, a waste bag for money, receipt books, etc. That place get choke kine stuffs!

After work today and/or tomorrow, I’m supposed to pick up the finished shirts, hats and stickers from three different vendors. Just in the knick of time… Well, hopefully!

As if I didn’t mention this enough awwwredde, the Hawaii Ocean Expo will be at the Blaisdell Exhibition Hall this Saturday, April 21st from 9am-7:30pm and Sunday, April 22nd from 9am-5pm. Hope to see y’all there! :)

This week’s “Spotted” shot for VH07V is of my buddy Rich Hollis from the UFC, during his vacation here in Hawaii. He is joined by Amanda and Jessica. Mahalos for spreading the VH07V love!

Amanda, Rich & Jessica
Amanda, Rich & Jessica
